Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tab Launching before October

More news regarding the Samsung Galaxy Tab – Samsung’s enthusiastic stab at the iPad – has just rolled in. According to Forbes, JK Shin – head of Samsung Mobile – has confirmed that the Galaxy Tab will have a front-facing camera like its smaller Galaxy S descendants (internationally, anyway).

Also confirmed is a launch window: “before October” is rather vague, but it’s a lot better than “before the end of the year”. We could be seeing this thing anywhere between now (smack dab in the middle of the summer) and between mid-late fall. Oh, and apparently Samsung has yet to decide on an official name for the device (if you were to ask me, the “Tab” wouldn’t be half bad.)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

HTC Ace Android 3.0 Phone Rumored

Take this with whatever size grains of salt you must, as this is just a rumor at this point, but word is that HTC is prepping the HTC Ace. It is rumored to look something like the HTC Droid Incredible.

It’s too early to tell when this phone will be arriving, if true, but some specifications reportedly include a large 4.3-inch AMOLED display, an 8-megapixel camera with flash, Android 3.0, and it will be powered by a dual-core Snapdragon CPU

Nokia to Fight Back in Smartphones, but Without the Android OS

While Nokia continues to struggle in the US mobile market, the Finnish-based company has voiced plans to "fight back" in the smartphone space, and it won't be adopting Google's Android OS for any of its phones.

"I am committed, perhaps even obsessed, with getting Nokia back to being number one in high-end devices. Achieving this will require performance and efforts over and above the norm," wrote Anssi Vanjoki, head of a newly created Solutions unit at Nokia, in a recent blog post called "The Fightback Starts Now."

Despite the widening popularity of Android as an alternative application development platform to Apple's highly successful iPhone , the Android OS is not part of Nokia's roadmap, according to the new appointee.

"Symbian and MeeGo are the best software for our smartest devices. As such, we have no plans to use any other software. Despite rumors to the contrary, there are no plans to introduce an Android device from Nokia," he wrote.

Friday, July 9, 2010

T-Mobile launching Android powered Samsung Vibrant on July 15th

T-Mobile USA has announced via its Twitter account that its Android powered Samsung Vibrant will be available on July 15th. Originally the carrier said that it would land on July 21st, so it sounds like it's coming a bit early. The Vibrant costs $199.99 with a 2-year contract and sports a 4-inch Super AMOLED display, a 1GHz Samsung Hummingbird processor, Bluetooth 3.0, and more.

source: T-Mobile
This phone looks SICK!

First Blog... EVER!

So this is my first ever blog and I don't really know what to "blog" about but I figured I love Android Phones so much that I will mainly blog about them. If your reading this you probably own an Android phone... If not, go buy one!